Black & White and shades of Chevron

Color! Patterns! COLOR!! I love colors! Always have. Pictures throughout my life show how much and reveal I have the same favorites now as when I was young. Color is everywhere. It’s all around us in nature, our neighbors, our closets and homes. Color can evoke different emotions from us. I’m always just a little bit happier when I see shades of blue and green! Aqua, turquoise, teal, agave, robin’s egg blue, cian, lime, jungle green, citron! Ahh!! (Ok, Sarah, you got really excited there.) I know, and color gets even better when infused into patterns, like chevron. I love graphic geometric patterns. The symmetry probably speaks to my desire for order, structure and clear direction. The adult coloring books speak to me too. “Color me, Sarah”. You choose! Choose the colors, the medium. Will it be pencils, markers, gel pens, or Bohdan’s crayons? The pressure or technique used to create texture on a simple black & white page only enhances the original design. I appreciate the contrast of black & white in pictures, on rugs and pillows, table runners, napkins, dishes, staple wardrobe items, and even in the old movies I was forced to watch as a child, but learned to love. I have wondered, “What if that was all I could see”? Black & White without the ability to distinguish colors. Imagine a glimpse into the limited vision of the color blind, learn how animals spot their prey or find places to hide among all the shaded designs around them. You’d have enough of a map to get by and move forward in life, but I wonder if you’d miss the beauty, joy, sorrow, healing, and excitement of color.

See God’s plan without emotions and know He’ll lead us in the way we should go, while allowing us to enhance the path with our individual colors. Those personality traits, experiences, passions, and skills that make each of us unique. Some things in this world are black & white, right & wrong and we are more at peace when we follow those rules. There is order in symmetry. The fun part is…we can color ourselves into the lines. Just like the coloring book pages. Chevron shows the ups and downs of life to me… in a continuous line, moving forward…and I can make it any color I want!

Hebrews 12:14 NIV

Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.

How can one person show holiness to the world? Live at peace with those around you. We are all apart of this life here on earth and when we allow other colors (those things that make us unique) to walk along with us, we create a beautiful pattern, woven together by God’s workmanship. How will you brighten someone’s day today? Add a little of your color to the shades of this chevron life. What’s your favorite color and unique characteristic about yourself? Share in the comments below.