
The message at church one Sunday last month was on the power of one. One man, Jesus, died for me and I am one person who God has purposed to do certain things in this world. As we walked in we were asked to grab a rock from the bucket. The speaker encouraged each of us to pray about the word written on the stone to hear His leading. Without looking when I chose, I pulled out a smallish gray stone with the word STAND. A few things came to mind quickly as we walked to our seats.

1 Comparison: “Why didn’t I get a cool one like Jon (joy) or Bohdan (power)?

2 Okay to Disagree and Speakup: “What should I be standing against or for?”

3 Fear of the Unknown: “What’s coming that I need to stand in and through?”

4 God’s Got This. Have Faith: Ephesians 6 armor of God, v.14 “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist…”

5 Rely on Others for Support: One line of a song my best friend sang for a charity event when were in high school 20 years ago came to mind. “Stand with my face to the wind, with the storm beating down on this sacred ground.” I need to rely on those close to me and close to God. I, in turn, would be a support for them, just as I supported my friend by listening to hours of practice and offered an encouraging smile from the front row when she sang.

God, thanks for revealing these things to me. Help me to continue to listen to You and discern Your voice from all the others and move forward when I feel led or to stand at Your command.

Do you ever focus on what God is telling others more than what He’s trying to get through to you?

I do not like conflict. I think most people feel the same. Sometimes I have a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach that I have to speak up, even if it may not be received well. Is it easy for you to confront about something you disagree with?

Tag a friend who know will support and stand with you!

Are you like me and sometimes think out of fear before faith? “what’s coming that I’ll have to remain standing through vs God’s got whatever is coming so I know I’ll be able to stand because He’s held me up in the past”