Lasso Legacy

This year our church and Pastors celebrate some momentous occasions, including a recent name change. We had a Legacy Celebration the end of July to honor the history of our church and how that impacts us moving forward. I will be focusing on that weekend in my posts this week, including my award winning pie recipe.

My excitement compounded each Sunday reminder leading up to our celebration weekend. We would be honoring the past and looking to the future of our church. I grew up at this church and had many happy memories swirling in my mind from those 35 years. I expected perfect weather and a huge ‘family’ reunion with sounds of laughter, joyful tears of reminiscence, kids running across the grounds, jumping off the dock and circling our island with canoes. As Friday drew near and the poor weather report didn’t change, we knew Plan B would be set in motion. Inside!

The worship concert Friday evening was a fun kickoff for the Celebration with our Youth band exuding energy in praise and Topher and the Holt boys. My lifelong pastor and his boys on stage together. A church family favorite request to make. The crowd was happy to join in.

Late Saturday morning we headed to church to run the midway games. Although the weather forced us inside, I’m so thankful we have a gymnasium auditorium allowing for Plan B. I was pleasantly surprised to have a steady turnout for the day. Everyone who came seemed to enjoy themselves and our family of 3 enjoyed running the games. Well, Jon and I ran neighboring game stalls and Bohdan played them all and ran through the inflatables multiple times, happy to roam free with his friends and earn one of every prize. I got to practice and run the lasso game for 2 hours. Apparently, all you need is a rope with a loop, and a plastic steer head attached to a pvc frame. I’m proud to say I even got a little consistent with my aim. I began snagging 1 horn many times, then both. A perfect toss for me to demonstrate to would be participants to show how they can earn their choice of a grand prize. A whistling flying saucer or an oinking pig. I realized the lasso loop need to remain open enough to drop over both horns, then pull it tight. WooHoo! All the hours I spent watching seasons of Heartland have paid off.

Do you have something in your path you are trying grasp or take hold of? Situations you don’t fully understand? Keep an open mind (loop). Your target and God’s may not look the same or be the same size. Swing the rope and toss in the direction you’re given. God will use your abilities and hone your skills to do His will. Watch how those close to you demonstrate how they aim for the goals God sets before them and work together to snag that steer. The prize will be a deeper relationship with God and the joy of witnessing others get a glimpse of His love while you encourage one another to keep tossing that lasso. Now that’s better than an oinking pig or whistling flying saucer any day.


Have you ever tried to lasso a live steer or calf?

If you have someone in your life who demonstrates following God’s leading to you, reach out to them today, tell them you notice and say thank you. Better yet, comment below and tag your friend.