Laughter and Love Legacy

Legacy Celebration Saturday continued…

My husband signed up to be in the dunk tank for an hour, so our son and I signed up to be the referee for that time. Family time is important, you know! So is watching your spouse get dunked…repeatedly…for an hour! Haha. Jon is participating in a community play production with some of the kids from our church and sometimes volunteers in our kids’ program. This could explain why the kids left the games inside, food on chairs, and rushed to line up for the chance to dunk Mr. Jon.  A few kids reached for the balls to get started, but I had to stop them. “As his wife, I get to go first”. I picked up all three balls and took my shot. Turns out I only needed one. My first throw nailed the red dot. The trigger released. The seat folded down. Jon dropped straight into the tank. SPLASH! I dunked him! I asked myself why that felt so good and I only gloated when I was far enough away from the tank to avoid being splashed. It was like any little annoyance got washed away and left in the tank. Jon was such a good sport and we all laughed a lot in spite of the slightly chilly, overcast, and drizzly day. Next time we should count the number of dunks. Between kids actually hitting the red dot trigger and those who ran up to slap it when they missed, Jon must have dropped at least two times per minute. Haha. It was satisfying every time.

Psalm 126:4-6

And now, God, do it again— bring rains to our drought-stricken lives So those who planted their crops in despair will shout hurrahs at the harvest, So those who went off with heavy hearts will come home laughing, with armloads of blessing.

Have you ever been in a dunk tank?

Does laughter help you relieve tension in your relationships?

Would you stop kids from running up to press the trigger when they miss?


We had a short break at home before driving back for the Saturday evening service. I was recognizing old faces in the foyer already and reliving years of my life flipping through photo albums. My eyes began to well up as soon as I stepped into the FLC. The presence of God was all over and in this Celebration weekend. Ahhh! (comforting sigh) Pastor Bob was leading worship. He’s been my pastor since birth and a supportive shepherd to me as a member and leader in my adulthood. We worshiped as a church family reunited to some of our favorite songs for Pastor Bob to lead. During “Days of Elijah” I welled up with anticipation for our future at LakePoint CC and for the salvation of our community. I glanced around the room, grateful for all those present and those who have gone before me to build our church and pave the way for us to learn and grow to become laborers in the vineyard. As a believer, member of the church and ministry leader, my responsibility is to train and encourage others to do the same in another 35 years. Sentiments were shared honoring Pastor Larry’s 37 years in ministry and Pastor Bob’s 45 years. What a great legacy we have from the years of dedication, service, and loyalty from each of these men and their wives and families. I’m excited for our church future and ready to support our new leadership.


How long have you been at your church?

Do you feel like you belong in your church family?

Tag a pastor or leader and include an encouraging word for them in the comments.